Monday, January 20, 2014

Is Visual Content the Future of Marketing Online?

Is Visual Content the Future of Marketing Online?

Welcome back everyone! Online marketing is a fluid, ever-changing world and it can be pretty tough some times to keep up with the latest trends. That said, let me ask you something: exactly how many articles have you read this month versus how many videos have you watched? I would be willing to bet that the videos watched outnumber the articles read many times over. It's the state of the Web in 2014, as we turn into a culture that is far more likely to engage via a visual medium than any other.

It's now well-known that more than 90 percent of the information transmitted to the brain is of a visual nature, and that we process visual information some 60,000 times faster than the written word.

In addition, sharing visual content is much more likely to occur than text. Studies show that images are liked 2 times more than text, while videos are shared 12 times more that links and text posts put together!

Here are 4 methods to incorporate visual content into your marketing mix!

  1. Videos - Not only do you need to have a YouTube plan, but an in depth video marketing initiative. YouTube on its own can bring you a ton of traffic, but there is a lot more you can do with video in addition to posting it to your channel and leaving it at that.
  2. Infographics - A well-made infographic can become shared all over, and help build brand awareness while sending direct traffic and backlinks to you. Creating them is far easier than it was even a year ago, and they remain a top tool for attracting interest and engagement.
  3. Imagery - The images you use in your blog, website or product images can now have a life far beyond the borders of your site. Photo sharing sites like Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, Flickr and others are proving to be excellent sources of referral traffic, and are gaining in total traffic share every day!
  4. Social Media - Sharing on Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, Twitter and others is the driver behind the traffic surge. A number of the social media giants are now inextricably in the video business, as Facebook has acquired Instagram, Twitter owns Vine, and of course Google owns YouTube.

Visual content marketing is an integral component of where your traffic is going to be coming from, and to a large extent, your search rankings too. Stay vigilant, keep at it, and make sure you take advantage of the steps we just detailed for you. It seems like a lot to take on, but small steps make big jumps in your marketing success.

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