Monday, February 3, 2014

Content Marketing Best Practices for 2014

Content Marketing Best Practices for 2014

It's been drummed into our ears for years: Content is King! Well, perhaps it was the pre-coronation phase, as it appears that the time for content to actually rule has indeed begun.

Gone is the time of being able to manipulate the search engine results pages (SERPs) with large doses of faux link building and other black hat methods designed to claim the top search spots for their immense value whether or not you had something of value to offer. With some 27 million pieces of content posted daily, sorting out the wheat from the chaff is Google's quest. And Google is getting significantly better at figuring out the actual worth of a page, and its popularity, allowing the cream to rise to the top.

So how do you make that magic on your own sites? Here are some trends and best practices for content marketing in 2014.

  • Make a content plan - Just as major publishers use an editorial calendar, you should make and stick to a content plan, one that is flexible enough to allow for spontaneous adjustments when necessary.
  • Make a blog - Since each month more than 329 million people read blogs, and businesses that have an active blog are receiving 97 percent more leads than those that don't have one, what's your excuse now?
  • The advent of branded content - Another newish term recently is branded content. This is content designed to sell while at the same time delivering an undeniable entertainment value.
  • New channels - Exploring new content channels you may not have tried before should be on your to-do list. LinkedIn sponsored posts, Slideshare and Google+ are awesome outlets to plunder.
  • SEO your content - Planning your content with SEO in mind is crucial. Social sharing, links and tying in with email are items to think about. It never hurts to keep Google in mind when building your content.
  • Have a social media strategy - Since 80 percent of users prefer to connect with brands on Facebook, an active social media plan along side your content is extremely important.
  • Optimize for mobile - 56 percent of Americans now have a smartphone, and are not shy about using it! Make sure your content is optimized for mobile viewing and reading. No one wants to read volumes on a small screen, so remember that.

Make 2014 the year you develop and execute a winning content marketing strategy. It will pay off!